
We were wide format printers too, once. We know what it’s like to see bins full of wasted media. We remember hanging around, waiting for file corrections. And we all used devices that absolutely refused to print the same color twice – in the space of a couple of hours.

We wanted to overcome those problems. So, we developed PrintFactory.

You could say we wrote some clever, time-saving software ~ a RIP-based workflow that intelligently handles and automates repetitive tasks using desktop applications and XML instructions. But that’s quite a mouthful. You might say, PrintFactory’s algorithms can deliver consistent color – anywhere – every single time – by color-linking any number of devices … and that’s probably our speciality, but still quite complex.

We remember being on the production floor. Now, we’re committed to creating software with tools that can turn your team into better printers ~ and bring you bigger profits from day one. 

We think we’ve developed PrintFactory’s tools in a way that makes them a game-changer for smaller, high street businesses (maybe printing signage or vehicle wraps). And we’ve not stopped there. We wrote PrintFactory’s more advanced features with large, lights-out production facilities in mind – as well as specialist printers (who need tools to help them print on all kinds of substrates like textiles, ceramics, metal, glass and wood). We like a puzzle, we love a challenge. We also create features to solve the most complex of problems found in wide format printing, so if there’s something you can’t do today, well, we’ll see if we can find a fix for it tomorrow…!