Idealliance Relaunches Sponsorship Program, Connecting Suppliers with Industry Experts & Buyers

The relaunch of sponsorship and advertising programs represents a new opportunity for OEMs and other suppliers to the graphics communications industry to connect with Idealliance’s global audience of color management professionals and experts.

August 17, 2020
Idealliance Logo Cmyk

Idealliance, the world’s leading global graphic communications industry association, is pleased to announce the relaunch of advertising and sponsorship programs in connection to its many and various digital media outlets. The relaunch of sponsorship and advertising programs represents a new opportunity for OEMs and other suppliers to the graphics communications industry to connect with Idealliance’s global audience of color management professionals and experts. These professionals specify or directly purchase the goods and services that power the industry’s global supply chain.

“The inclusion of sponsorships and advertising in connection with our exciting bi-weekly podcast series, our website, our free training webinars, among other media, makes these more meaningful for our audience. And that in turn helps us to be more closely aligned with our market. And if our new advertising customers and event sponsors sell more of their products or services that’s all the better for everyone, including our association,” said Dick Ryan, Idealliance CEO.

The first two opportunities for sponsorship are the bi-weekly GAMUT podcast, which has an active listening audience, and the monthly Idealliance Digest, which is a digital newsletter that covers important industry news and training opportunities for color management professionals across the supply chain.

Learn More
The sponsorship program is open now, with a great first-mover discount for interested sponsors. For additional information, please contact Kelsey Fields, Idealliance Sponsorship Manager, at 703.837.1093 or [email protected]