Flexible Packaging Meets a Flexible Printer with AMI’s TIJ, CAMI Pro Webster
Product expansion continues at Automated Marking, Inc. with the US manufactured, thermal inkjet printer CAMI Pro Webster.
Product expansion continues at Automated Marking, Inc. (AMI) with the US manufactured, thermal inkjet printer CAMI Pro Webster.
The cartridge-based printer is designed to be easily integrated into flexible packaging equipment and may be configured to support anywhere from 4 to 18 half-inch print heads with different ink types and colors.
“What I love most is that you don’t have to shuttle print heads or use an expensive laser system. It just makes more sense for the flexible packaging space.” said Jim Moore, National Sales Director for AMI. Moore continued, “Better than that, it’s made in the US and has a lifetime warranty and it’s so reliable, it means virtually zero downtime.”
The Webster is a high resolution printer providing versatile, cost-effective and solid solutions to meet the need for variable data printing in a range of Vertical Form and Fill Sealers (VFFS). It’s made of anodized housing and heavy gauge 1/2″ aluminum and prints up to 500 feet per minute (fpm) and up to 600 dots per inch (dpi). More details and specifications can be found at: https://automatedmarking.com/products/thermal-inkjet-specialty/webster