Registration Is Open for Afera's Tape College 2022 with Extended Early Bird Deadline of 17 January!
The Tape College is a well-established technical learning event providing 100+ European tape business professionals with the fundamentals and current technical essentials of adhesive tape technology.
We have noticed that registration is slow for our Tape College scheduled for 4-6 April 2022 in Brussels. We would like to emphasise once more that you can register risk-free, if the event is not taking place face-to-face or if you are not able to travel you get your money back minus the much smaller fee we charge for participation in the virtual event.
We extended the early bird deadline to 17 January 2022!
WHO forecasts an end to the coronavirus pandemic in 2022. Naturally we will closely follow the developments in the next months. At the moment we are positive that the event can take place in April.
With a dedicated programme support group we have been working hard to get this quality programme designed for you!
The Tape College is a well-established technical learning event providing 100+ European tape business professionals with the fundamentals and current technical essentials of adhesive tape technology.
The themes Why Tape?, Tapes Deconstructed, Tape Production, Tape Use & Testing make up 4 clusters of 19 in-depth lectures. There will also be time for debate with presenters and many opportunities for networking.
On you can read more on past colleges.
We hope to see you or one of your colleagues in April!
Best wishes from the Afera Technical Event Working Group!