Moving Pictures

October 12, 2021
202110Appgallery Epson2
Dallas, Tex.’s SkinzWraps produced this on an Epson SureColor S80600. (Images courtesy Epson)

One of the most popular—and conspicuous—automotive print applications is vehicle wraps. In fact, vehicle wrap contests became popular events at major industry shows (back in the day…). Doing unusual wrap jobs has become many wrap businesses’ stocks in trade. Imagine seeing this come up behind you on the highway…

 202110Appgallery Epson2Dallas, Tex.’s SkinzWraps produced this on an Epson SureColor S80600. (Images courtesy Epson)

But vehicle wrapping can involve more than cars. SkinzWraps also does SUVs, boats and buses.


202110Appgallery SkinzwrapsShuttle bus wrap for the Dallas Museum of Art. (Image courtesy

Additionally, fleet graphics for trucks and vans have become essential parts of a company’s brand.  

Brazilian business Fix Print used an EFI Pro 32r+ UV LED roll-to-roll printer to decorate 130 trucks for Ambev Brewery. 

202110Appgallery EFIBrazilian business Fix Print used an EFI Pro 32r+ UV LED roll-to-roll printer to decorate 130 trucks for Ambev Brewery. (Image courtesy EFI)


202110Appgallery Ad2Images courtesy Avery Dennison

2 CT Media in Mesa, Ariz., printed fleet graphics for Yellowstone Landscape using a Canon Colorado 1650 printer and Avery Dennison MPI 1105 Easy Apply RS digital cast film with DOL 1060Z (pickup truck) and Avery Dennison MPI 2105 Easy Apply RS film paired with DOL 1060Z overlaminate (trailer). 

 202110Appgallery Ad3Images courtesy Avery Dennison 

Art City Wraps in Oshkosh, Wis., used a Mimaki UCJV 300-130 and Avery Dennison MPI 1105 Easy Apply RS digital cast film with DOL 1060Z overlaminate to increase brand visibility for Soper Companies. 

 202110Appgallery Ad5Images courtesy Avery Dennison

Brand Graphic Solutions (BGS) in Plymouth, Pa., wrapped Mericle’s vans using an Epson Sure Color S80600 and Avery Dennison MPI 1105 Easy Apply RS digital cast film with DOL 1060Z overlaminate. 

Beyond land-based vehicles, boat wraps are a common application, but of course can present challenges that car and truck wrapping can easily avoid. 

 202110Appgallery DrytacImage courtesy Drytac

The UK’s Globe Print used a Roland SolJet EJ-640 and Drytac’s Polar Grip film paired with Interlam Pro Emerytex overlaminate film to decorate this boat for Monkey Fist Adventures, which took part in an intense endurance challenge, which saw a team of four men row 3,200 miles non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean for over 45 days.

I am always on the lookout for new and creative printing applications and projects, be they small or wide format. Have you worked on something unique and of which you are proud? Feel free to share them with me at [email protected]