Baumer hhs GmbH
Baumer hhs offers its customers a carefully coordinated portfolio of solutions for a host of different demands.
Baumer hhs GmbH, Krefeld/Germany, is a leading, internationally operating manufacturer of industrial gluing systems, as well as sensor- and/or camera-based quality assurance systems. Baumer hhs offers its customers a carefully coordinated portfolio of solutions for a host of different demands on cold-glue and hot-melt application in automated production environments, including application heads, pumps, pressure vessels, control and monitoring systems. The portfolio is rounded off by a comprehensive range of services, from consulting and the testing of innovative applications at the hhs solution center in Krefeld, all the way to every form of after-sales service.
Applications for Baumer hhs solutions include the production of packaging and envelopes, printing and print finishing, the wood industry and special-purpose machines.