Inspire Dynamic Statement
GMC Software Technology’s (Booth 4840) Inspire Dynamic Statement is interactive, digital customer statements that deliver intuitive charts, graphs and other graphical representations of customer financial information.
GMC Software Technology’s (Booth 4840) Inspire Dynamic Statement is interactive, digital customer statements that deliver intuitive charts, graphs and other graphical representations of customer financial information. The rich, user-friendly functionality of these statements allows customers to drill down to a granular level of detail and have highly relevant, personalized views with just a few clicks. Meeting the needs of an ever-increasing mobile population, these next generation statements can be viewed on any PC, tablet, smartphone or other mobile Android or iOS device, tapping into the rapidly growing mobile device trend and taking mobile banking to a whole new realm.
Customers viewing a dynamic statement will first see an overview of their financial data represented by charts, graphs and account balances. Using a simple browser or a mobile app, the user can click on the different charts and graphs to view, for instance, a more detailed bar graph of expenses during a particular month. And from this bar graph, the user can click again to drill down even further to a list of the transactions that are included in the table. The customer can then sort these transactions by date, by summary or even by value to suit their needs.
Financial institutions and third-party print service providers have traditionally generated paper statements using transaction data, which is typically encrypted XML or similar data. Using exactly the same data sources and the right software solution, these organizations can now create interactive statements instead of—or in addition to—the paper statements that are typically produced in AFP or PDF formats.